Davis faces startling handicap - he can't campaign as himself
July 27, 2003
Page 4
approach, leadership style and personality this close to the election, this late in the game,'' she said.
Amid their analysis, though, political scientists are quick to warn strategists and the public about relying on any assumptions or making any conclusions about the recall.
``We have never, ever had anything like this before in our history. We are really in uncharted territory. It's so astonishing,'' said Bebitch Jeffe.
``There is no conventional wisdom to fall back on. We don't have any data to message. There's no way to answer any question with any authority. Who knows what's going to happen?''
The last governor to undergo a recall was North Dakota Gov. Lynn Frazier, who was recalled in 1921. Thirty-one previous attempts to recall California governors failed to reach the ballot.
``This a rather unique event,'' said Hodson. ``We don't have a roadmap. There are so many variations and options and ifs about this, anybody who says they know exactly the right strategy, is lying or a fool.''
Contact Sacramento Bureau Chief Steve Geissinger at sgeissinger@angnewspapers.com .
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